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一、学期结束工作甲、学期结束前,各校必须有计划地加强对学生复习巩固工作的领导;认真负责地评定学生的学业成绩;并有意识地通过这两项工作来检查教育质量和教学效果,找出经验和问题,作为今后改进工作的依据。乙、新的小学教学计划和小学生守则,本学期已普遍实施。各地必须总结实施的经验;其中应着重总结实施基本的生产技术教育(农村小学特别是种植、饲养方面),加强劳动教育和体育的经验。试教新编初小语文第一册课本和小学体育教学大纲(草案)教材的部分市、县,应将试教总结作为一项重要工作去做。丙、市县教育行政部门应当总结发挥潜在力量和鼓励群众办学的经验。如城市总结办理二部制(特别是全日二部制)的经验,农村总结群众办学的经验(有农业合作社办学的地区要总结社办小学经验)。 First, the semester end of work A, before the end of the semester, the schools must be planned to strengthen the leadership of the students to review the consolidation of work; earnestly and responsibly assess the student’s academic performance; and consciously through these two tasks to check the quality of education and teaching effectiveness Find out the experience and problems as the basis for future improvement work. B. The new primary school teaching plan and the code for pupils are generally implemented this semester. All localities must summarize the experiences they have implemented; among them, they should focus on the implementation of basic production technology education (in rural primary schools, especially in terms of planting and breeding), and strengthen labor education and sports experience. Some cities and counties that try out new primary and small language textbooks for elementary and junior high school textbooks and textbooks for physical education in primary schools (drafts) should take summary of the trial education as an important task. The administrative departments of education of city C and county C should summarize the experience of exerting potential forces and encouraging the masses to run schools. For example, the city summarizes the experience of the two-part system (especially the full-time two-part system), and the rural villages summarize the experience of the masses in running schools (the areas where the agricultural cooperatives run schools should summarize the experience of the public schools’ primary schools).
一 鹽酸人體是會自己製造鹽酸的。我們的胃里,日夜不断的在生產着酸,有時間我們覺得胃里不舒服或打(口恶),會覺到一股酸味,這酸味就是鹽酸。它在胃里幫助消化,能夠使蛋白質
学習了党的八届八中全会文件后,根据学校工作發展情况,特将教育工作計划作如下修訂。一、目的要求: 1.使兒童有明确的阶级观点。明辨大是大非,認識总路綫、大躍进、人民公社
或许命运如此,出身于乡村的我,多少年来少不了与乡村打交道。而今看到乡村档案馆室已在神州大地涌现,甚为欣慰。 Perhaps so fate, I was born in the country, how many ye