
来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinsikai
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With the development of intelligent terminals and mobile applications,the influence of continuous improvement on mobile content services to the continuance use intention is more and more significant.Based on the expectation-confirmation theory and information system continuance use theory,this paper proposes a mobile content continuance use model and puts forward related assumptions under the mobile commerce environment by introducing the continuous improvement variables.Questionnaire data are collected from 219 mobile content service users for research,and the hypothetical model is validated by the structural equation modeling.Results show that the information system continuance use model is still valid under the mobile commerce environment,and the continuous improvement on mobile content services have positive impacts on user’s expectations after they have experienced certain mobile content services. With the development of intelligent terminals and mobile applications, the influence of continuous improvement on mobile content services to the continuance use intention is more and more significant. Based on the expectation-confirmation theory and information system continuance use theory, this paper proposes a mobile content continuance use model and puts forward related assumptions under the mobile commerce environment by introducing the continuous improvement variables. Questionnaire data are collected from 219 mobile content service users for research, and the hypothetical model is validated by the structural equation modeling. Results show that the information system continuance use model is still valid under the mobile commerce environment, and the continuous improvement on mobile content services have positive impacts on user’s expectations after they have experienced certain mobile content services.
在前不久举行的由中国企业文化研究会主办的第二届企业文化传媒论坛上,16家企业文化传媒负责人与专家互动,探讨新时期企业文化传媒工作的思路与做法。其中,中国航空第一集团公司、国电电力、中石油新疆油田公司企业文化部门主管所作的主题发言,博得与会代表的一致欢迎和好评。他们的共同特点是:特色鲜明、效果明显、经验易学、普遍指导性强。今发表于此,意在抛砖引玉。    人们都知道,集团企业机构庞大,人员构成复杂,
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在柴油机维修中,一般的情况是:检查气门座圈磨损后,拆下就作废品丢掉,这真有点可惜。其实,拆下来的气门座圈如果仅仅是磨损,没有其他缺陷,可以将气门座 In the diesel engi
本文认为我国以12小时功率作标定的单缸柴油机具有较大的功率和转速潜力,可以考虑采用超速超负荷可靠性考核。 This paper argues that China’s 12-hour power for single-cyl