Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Photoluminescent Property of a Novel Silver(I) Compound {[Ag(bpp)]_

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Self-assembly of Ag(I) nitrate, 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane (bpp) and phthalic acid monopotassium salt (KHphth) in CH3OH-H2O solution produced the title complex, {[Ag(bpp)]2(Hphth)(NO3)·(H2O)2}n, which was characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis, IR spectrum, and photoluminescent spectrum. Single-crystal X-ray analysis revealed that the complex crystallizes in a monoclinic system, space group P21/c, with a = 15.4174(5), b = 8.6398(2), c = 25.2466(8) , β = 91.072(1)o, V = 3362.34(17) 3, Z = 4, C34H37N5O9Ag2, Mr = 875.43, Dc = 1.729 g/cm3, μ = 1.228 mm-1, F(000) = 1768, the final R = 0.0749 and wR = 0.1580 for 5754 reflections with I > 2σ(I). The Ag atom is coordinated by two N atoms from two bpp molecules in an approximately linear geometry. The Ag(I) ions are linked by the bpp molecules to form one-dimensional zigzag chains propagating along the c axis. The Hphth- and nitrate counter-ions are bridged by solvent water molecules through hydrogen bonds to generate a one-dimensional chain extending along the b axis. Electrostatic interactions between cations and anions, extensive hydrogen bonds and π-π interactions are responsible for the three-dimensional supramolecular structure. In the solid state, the compound exhibits blue photoluminescence with the maximum at 436 nm upon excitation at 344 nm. Self-assembly of Ag (I) nitrate, 1,3-bis (4-pyridyl) propane (bpp) and phthalic acid monopotassium salt (KHphth) in CH3OH-H2O solution produced the title complex, (Hphth) (NO3) · (H2O) 2} n, which was characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis, IR spectrum, and photoluminescent spectrum. Single-crystal X-ray analysis revealed that the complex crystallizes in a a = 15.2174 (5), b = 8.6398 (2), c = 25.2466 (8) , β = 91.072 (1) o, V = 3362.34 173, Z = 4, C34H37N5O9Ag2, Mr = 875.43, Dc = 1.729 g / cm3, μ = 1.228 mm-1, F (000) = 1768, the final R = 0.0749 and wR = 0.1580 for 5754 reflections with I> 2σ (I). The Ag atom is coordinated by two N atoms from two bpp molecules in an approximately linear geometry. The Ag (I) ions are linked by the bpp molecules to form one-dimensional zigzag chains propagating along the c axis. The Hphth- and the nitrate counter -ions are bridged by solvent water molecules through hydrogen bo nds to generate a one-dimensional chain extending along the b axis. Electrostatic interactions between cations and anions, extensive hydrogen bonds and π-π interactions are for the three-dimensional supramolecular structure. In the solid state, the compound exhibits blue photoluminescence with the maximum at 436 nm upon excitation at 344 nm.
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摘要:新课程的基本理念之一是“主动适应社会发展和科技进步的时代需要,促进学生全面而有个性的发展”;“组建学习方式的多样化,发展学生自主获取知识的愿望和能力”。在新的课程改革中,特别强调了化学实验的功能,这对于一线教师来说,是好事也是挑战,我们要重新认识化学实验和改进实验的传统教学模式。  关键词:新课程;学生素质;化学实验功能;化学实验教学模式    我们知道,应试教育造成学生高分低能,严重脱离实
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