(31)~P NMR and ESI-MS Studies on Some Intermediates of the Peptide Coupling Reagents Triphenyl-chlor

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The intermediates of the Appel coupling reagents were studied in acetonitrile, dimethoxyethane and dioxane by P NMR, C NMR spectrum and ESI-MS. In dioxane a new high 31 13 coordinated phosphorous compound with P NMR shift at -39 ppm was observed. The ESI-MS 31 showed that it could be a penta-coordinated phosphorous compound containing dioxane. The carboxyl activated intermediates were also studied in three solvents. The intermediates of the Appel coupling reagents were studied in acetonitrile, dimethoxyethane and dioxane by P NMR, C NMR spectrum and ESI-MS. In dioxane a new high 13 13 coordinated phosphorous compound with P NMR shift at -39 ppm was observed. The ESI -MS 31 showed that it could be a penta-coordinated phosphorous compound containing dioxane. The carboxyl activated intermediates were also studied in three solvents.
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