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经济体制改革的目的是要把绝大部分资源的配置权从政府手中转到居民和企业手中。因此,从理论上讲,随着改革的推进,政府实际支配资源的份额会逐步减少,市场自由配置资源的份额会逐步增加。我国已经走过了18年的改革历程,现在来估算一下政府实际支配的资源究竟有多少,以此来评价改革所取得的成就、把握下一步改革的方向,很有意义。本文对政府所有的资源与政府实际支配的资源这两个概念作了严格的区分。政府所有的资源,是指其所有权为中央政府(代表全国人民)和地方政府(代表当地居民)所拥有的那一部分资源,即所有权掌握在政府手中的那一部分资源。这一部分资源的实际支配权显然也在政府手中,构成政府实际支配资源的一部分。而政府实际支配的资源则指,在社会经济资源总量中,政府能够直接影响其配置状况的所有资源,它既包括所有权属于政府的那一部分资源,又包括所有权虽然不属于政府,但配置权却牢牢控制在政府手中的那一部分资源。政府实际支配的资源包括三大部分:一是业已沉淀下来的国有资产存量;二是政府通过各种收入形式取得的一部分资源(资源流量);三是政府通过各种行政手段控制的一部分非国有资源(资源流量)。前两部分资源的所有权掌握在政府手中,后一部分资源的所有权则不在政府手中。限于篇幅,本文只对这三部分政府实际支配的资源作初步的定量分析,对政府实际支配资源量是否适度这一问题,不作详细分析。 The purpose of economic reform is to transfer the allocation of most of the resources from the government to residents and businesses. Therefore, theoretically, as the reform progresses, the share of the government’s actual resources under control will gradually decrease, and the market’s share of free allocation of resources will gradually increase. Now that our country has gone through 18 years of reform, it is of great significance now to estimate the actual amount of resources the government has at its disposal in order to evaluate the achievements made in the reform and grasp the direction of the next step of reform. This article makes a strict distinction between the two concepts of government-owned resources and government-governed resources. Government-owned resources refer to those resources whose ownership is owned by the central government (on behalf of the entire people) and local governments (on behalf of local residents), that part of the resources whose ownership is in the hands of the government. It is clear that the actual control of this part of the resources is also in the hands of the government and forms part of the real resources governed by the government. However, the actual resources governed by the government mean that among the total amount of social and economic resources, the government can directly affect all the resources allocated to it. It includes not only the part of the resources whose ownership belongs to the government, but also the ownership of the property, which does not belong to the government. However, But firmly control that part of the resources in the hands of the government. The resources actually controlled by the government include three parts: one is the stock of state assets that has been precipitated; the other is part of resources (resource flows) obtained by the government through various forms of income; and the other is the part of non-state ownership that the government controls through various administrative measures Resource (resource flow). The first two parts of the ownership of resources in the hands of the government, the latter part of the ownership of resources is not in the hands of the government. Due to space limitations, this paper only preliminary quantitative analysis of the actual control of the three parts of the government resources, the government’s actual control of the amount of resources is appropriate, this issue is not analyzed in detail.
本研究在意大利北部的一个生产果园进行了6年(1975-1980)。品种为“Springcrest”、“Dixired”和红港三种桃及“Early Sungrand”、“Flavortop”和“Stark Redgold”三种
本文应用线性摄动分析方法得到了平面加载条件下材料失稳的临界判据,讨论了特殊加载情况下材料的失稳模式,分析了平面应变加载状态下材料的失稳行为。得到以下主要结论: 不同于