茶小簔蛾(Acanthopsyche sp.)的研究

来源 :浙江农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qzhiqiang
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五、摘要 1.茶小簑蛾是茶树上的一种主要害虫,我国台灣、福建、浙江、安徽、湖南等茶区均常發生。幼虫食害茶叢叶片、小枝皮層和果皮,因此茶叶的常年損失达10—50%。 2.該虫在杭州年生二代,3月中旬到5月下旬和6月中旬到8月中旬为害茶叢,3—5月間最为严重;以3龄或4龄幼虫在茶叢上越多,賴幼虫爬行,吐絲和人工移植茶叢或茶苗傳播,在茶园中多系局部为害,扩散力不大。 3.成虫雌雄異态,雄蛾日間活动,雌虫似蛆狀,終生藏于囊內,卵产在护囊内。幼虫孵化离开母囊后即能制囊以藏身,囊外附有茶叶和小枝皮的碎片;活动时背負护囊迁移和取食,日光照射时幼虫躲在叶背和茶叢間。 4.在采茶結束和茶芽休眠时噴用6%可湿性666的200—400倍液,基本上能抑制此虫發生;采茶时噴用除虫菊或魚藤肥皂液;噴用时药液約需比一般增加一倍左右。此外必須配合人工捕捉虫囊和保护寄生蜂。最好在5月到6月上旬間和7月中旬到8月中旬間采摘早期挂起的虫囊。 V. Summary 1. The tea moth is a major pest on the tea tree, China Taiwan, Fujian, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hunan and other tea often occur. Larvae eat bush tea leaves, branchlets and peel, so the loss of perennial tea up to 10-50%. 2. The worm in Hangzhou second generation, from mid-March to late May and mid-June to mid-August for tea damage, the most serious in March-May; to 3 or 4 instar larvae in the tea clumps, Lai Larvae crawling, silking and artificial transplanting tea or tea seedlings spread in the tea plantations in the Department of more than the Department of damage, proliferation is not. 3. Dioecious adults, male moths during the day activities, females like maggots, hidden in the cysts for life, eggs in the protective capsule. When the larvae hatch away from the mother capsule, they can be made into a capsule to hide themselves. The outer part of the capsule is covered with pieces of tea and branchlet skin. During the activity, the mother migrates and feeds on the protective capsule and larvae hide between the leaves and the tea bush during sunlight exposure. 4. At the end of tea picking and tea bud dormancy spray with 6% wettability of 666 200-400 times, basically can inhibit the occurrence of this insects; tea spray spray pyrethrum or rattan soap liquid; About twice the general increase. In addition, we must cooperate with the manual to catch the worm capsule and protect the parasitic wasps. It is best to pick early pests from May to early June and mid-July to mid-August.
谷子白发病 Sceerospora graminicoea(sacc)Schrot 是昭盟谷子产区的主要病害,历年发病较重,一般发病率为8~14%,严重地块可达80~90%。因此,控制谷子白发病猖獗为害,对保证全盟
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三、调查结果与分析 作者等在1983年5月上旬和7月下旬两次踏查和考察了珠海、斗门、中山、惠东、惠阳等地的被害松林后,于11月上旬再次对惠东县的飞播林和人工林作了详细调