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公安教育是国家教育体制的一个重要组成部分。 目前,公安教育事业在教师队伍建设、专用教材编写、教育学制与教育结构调整等方面,都形成了相当的规模。但是,我们也应当看到,与公安教育的宏大规模相比较,公安教育的理论研究则显得很薄弱。可以这么说,没有公安教育理论深入广泛的研究,必然会制约公安教育质量普遍快速的提高。 研究公安教育理论,就有必要建立和发展公安教育学;建立公安教育学,就有必要首先对其理论体系进行探讨。 Public security education is an important part of the national education system. At present, the public security education has formed a considerable scale in terms of building a contingent of teachers, compiling teaching materials for special purpose, education system and structural adjustment of education. However, we should also see that compared with the grand scale of public security education, the theoretical research of public security education appears to be very weak. It can be said that without extensive and extensive research on the theory of public security education, it is bound to restrict the general and rapid improvement in the quality of public security education. Studying the theory of public security education, it is necessary to establish and develop the pedagogy of public security; to establish the pedagogy of public security, it is necessary to first explore its theoretical system.
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世界卫生组织科研组(WHO Scientific Group)于1983年1月30日~2月4日在日内瓦召开一次肝细胞癌会议,由总监马勒哈弗丹博士致开幕词,他指出首次用免疫方法预防人类的常见癌症,
根据上海市环境污染、环境治理的现状和绿化在城市可持续发展中的作用,提出21世纪上海城市绿化的可持续发展战略。 According to the status quo of Shanghai’s environmen
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