学习康大姐的革命精神 为促进妇女儿童事业发展奉献力量

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专栏编辑王秀英编者按:为了纪念老一辈无产阶级革命家、我国妇女运动的卓越领导人、原全国妇联主席康克清同志逝世十周年,全国妇联于4月19日召开缅怀康克清大姐座谈会。全国人大常委会副委员长、全国妇联主席彭云、全国妇联名誉主席陈慕华出席座谈会并讲话。全国妇联副主席、书记处第一书记顾秀莲主持会议。她说,我们妇联的工作人员要学习康大姐全心全意为人民服务的精神,学习她的奉献精神,将妇女工作落到实处,以告慰康大姐的在天之灵。出席座谈会的有和康大姐一起工作过的老同志、曾在大姐身边工作的同志和大姐的亲属。全国妇联书记处书记、历届老书记、机关各部门和直属单位代表也参加了座谈会。大家满怀对康大姐的敬佩怀念之情,从不同的角度追忆、回顾了大姐的革命精神和感人事迹,特别是大姐对妇女儿童事业的无限热爱和做出的杰出贡献。 Column Editor Wang Xiuying Editor’s note: In commemoration of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, the outstanding leader of the Chinese women’s movement, the former president of the All-China Women’s Federation Comrade 10th year of Comrade Kang Keqing’s death, the All-China Women’s Federation held a remembrance ceremony on April 19. Peng Yun, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and chairman of the All-China Women’s Federation, and Chen Muhua, honorary chairman of the All-China Women’s Federation, attended the forum and made speeches. Vice Chairman of the All-China Women’s Federation and Gu Xiulian, the first secretary of the Secretariat, presided over the meeting. She said that the staff of our women’s federation should study Kang Sister’s spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly, learn her dedication, carry out the work of women in order to comfort Sister Kang’s spirits in heaven. The symposium was attended by old comrades who worked with Kang and her relatives who had worked as comrades and elders in the vicinity of her eldest sister. The secretary of the All-China Women’s Federation secretariat, all previous secretary-generals, representatives of various departments and units directly under the authority also attended the symposium. Everyone is full of feelings of admiration for Sister Kang and recalls from different perspectives and reviews the revolutionary spirits and moving stories of Sister Sisters. In particular, Sister Sister Infinite Love and outstanding contribution to the cause of women and children.
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