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1989年,全国零售物价总水平上涨17.8%,比上年的上涨幅度18.5%低0.7个百分点。全年新涨价因素为6.4%,明显低于上年新涨价15.9%的幅度。其中,国家出台的提价项目影响占3.5个百分点,明显低于上年8个百分点的幅度。职工基本生活费用价格指数上涨13.9%,比上年的上涨幅度22%低8.1个百分点;全国35个大中城市的零售物价平均上涨18.6%,比上年的上升幅度22.1%低3.5个百分点。 In 1989, the national retail price level rose by 17.8%, 0.7 percentage points lower than the 18.5% increase in the previous year. The new price increase factor for the whole year was 6.4%, which was significantly lower than the 15.9% increase in the previous year’s new price increase. Among them, the impact of the price increase project issued by the country accounted for 3.5 percentage points, significantly lower than the 8 percentage points in the previous year. The price index for basic living expenses of employees rose by 13.9%, 8.1 percentage points lower than the 22% increase of the previous year; retail prices in 35 large and medium-sized cities across the country rose by an average of 18.6%, 3.5 percentage points lower than the 22.1% increase of the previous year.
过去的二十多年来,工业国家通过一种庞大而复杂的双边配额制度,即多种纤维协定,进行纺织品和服装贸易。同自由贸易原则完全相反的多种纤维协定将于 Over the past two deca
Lang Ping is one of the best volleyball players in the world. For those who have the opportunity to watch old matches on tape of the Chinese team between 1981 a
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