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邓小平同志 的国防思想,是 毛泽东国防思想 的继承和发展。 今天我们缅怀小 平同志的丰功伟 绩,倍感亲切和 伟大。在新的历 史时期,继承和弘扬邓小平同志的国防思想,对推进中国特色军事变革,进一步抓好国防后备力量建设,确保国家安全具有十分重要的现实意义。 一、大力弘扬小平国防思想,提高对加强国防后备力量建设的思想认识 当今世界各主要国家,都积极推行走 Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s thinking on national defense is the inheritance and development of Mao Zedong’s thinking on national defense. Today, we cherish the memory of the great achievements of Comrade Xiaoping and feel more cordial and great. In the new historical period, inheriting and promoting Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s thinking on national defense is of great practical significance in advancing military reform with Chinese characteristics, further grasping the building of national defense reserve forces and ensuring national security. I. Vigorously promote Xiaoping’s thinking on national defense and raise awareness on the ideology of strengthening the building of national defense reserve forces In all major countries in the world today, they all actively promote
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