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物理是研究力、热、电、光、原等物质相互作用规律及其基本联系的科学。从物理学的性质特点看,物理学是一门以观察和实验为基础的科学,物理学研究探知物质世界的方法是人类认识自然的基本方法之一。物理学的发展丰富了自然科学的内容,促进了社会的发展。同样,物理学的研究方法有很多种,在日常教学过程中注重对学生物理模型思维能力的培养,有助于他们更好地理解物理思想和解决物理问题,从而使教师较好地完成教学目的,达到预期的学习效果。对物理模型及其思维能力的培养进行论述。 Physics is a science that studies the laws of the interaction of matter, heat, electricity, light and matter, and their basic relations. In terms of the nature of physics, physics is a science based on observation and experiment. The method of exploring the material world in physics is one of the basic methods for mankind to understand nature. The development of physics has enriched the contents of natural science and promoted the development of society. In the same way, there are many research methods in physics. In the daily teaching process, they focus on training students’ ability of thinking in physical models and help them better understand physics and solve physical problems so that teachers can complete their teaching objectives better , To achieve the desired learning effect. The physical model and its thinking ability training are discussed.
质疑问难是学生自主学习数学的重要环节,教师在教学过程中要善于培养学生质疑问难的能力,让学生敢问、会问、善问,形成敢于质疑问难的勇气和精神。 Questioning is difficul
美国半导体工业协会 SIA 于1992年在 SE-MATECH 组织的协助下召开了半导体器件开发研讨会。1993年5月发表了讨论结果,认为新型半导体器件的开发应作为美国电子业的先行战略,
学起于思,思源于疑。教学是一门艺术,而课堂提问是优化课堂教学、提升教学艺术的有效方法。在课堂教学中,“提问”扮演了非常重要的角色,它是激发学生积极思维的动力,是开启学生智慧之门的钥匙,是沟通师生思想认识和产生情感共鸣的纽带。西方学者德加谟曾说:“提问得好即教得好”。可见,提问在课堂教学中占着举足轻重的作用。而要使小学语文课堂教学的提问更为有效,在具体的实施过程中,我认为可以从以下方面入手:  1.
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