两北协作 相得益彰——东北、华北第三次卫生经济学术研讨会综述

来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Melanzpl1
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东北、华北第三次卫生经济研讨会于1999年6月8~10日在河北省承德市召开。参加会议的有两北地区各卫生厅(局)的计财处长、卫生经济理论工作者、卫生管理干部及学会会员共计100余人。《健康报》、《中国卫生经济》杂志社、《中国卫生资源》杂志社、《卫生经济研究》杂志社等新闻单位也派员参加了会议,卫生部卫生经济研究所蔡仁华所长在会上作了“关于当前卫生改革的热点及难点问题”的学术报告。会议共收到论文68篇,大会交流8篇。与会代表就区域卫生规划、医院经济管理及财务管理、医疗保障制度改革、农村卫生经济等问题进行了广泛的研讨。 The Third Health Economic Seminar in Northeast China and North China was held in Chengde City, Hebei Province from June 8 to June 10, 1999. At the meeting, there were a total of more than 100 directors of financial bureaus, health economic theory workers, health management cadres, and academic members of the health departments (bureaus) of the two northern regions. Journalists such as “Health News”, “China Health Economics” magazine, “Chinese Health Resources” magazine, and “Health Economics Research” magazine also sent members to attend the meeting. Director Cai Renhua of the Institute of Health Economics of the Ministry of Health attended the meeting. Made an academic report on “hot and difficult issues in current health reform”. The conference received a total of 68 papers and 8 conference exchanges. Participants conducted extensive discussions on issues such as regional health planning, hospital economic management and financial management, reform of the medical security system, and rural health economics.
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