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继1998年11月深圳福田整机生产厂投产之后,今年6月,设计生产能力为20万片/月的宏碁(中山)主板生产基地也将生产出它的第一块主板。因应未来市场的增长,如果宏碁在台湾新竹和菲律宾的笔记本生产厂不能满足销售需求,宏碁还将在中山建设笔记本生产基地。随着祖国大陆内需和政策优势的增加,习惯于海外扩张的宏碁集团开始更多地将目光投向祖国大陆,开始了它的“回归之旅”。新年伊始,记者来到了正在大兴土木的宏碁(中山)生产基地,宏碁(中山)生产基地由宏碁旗下的宏电集团投资,它不仅给中山带来了1亿美金的直接投资,还从台湾带来了四家配套厂商,其中两家已经在宏碁(中山)基地的一侧开始了建厂工作,另一 Following the commencement of production of the entire Futian plant in Shenzhen in November 1998, the first motherboard of Acer (Zhongshan) motherboard manufacturing base with designed production capacity of 200,000 pieces / month will be produced in June this year. In response to future market growth, if Acer notebook manufacturing plant in Hsinchu, Taiwan and the Philippines can not meet the sales needs, Acer will also build a laptop manufacturing base in Zhongshan. With the increase in the domestic demand and policy advantages of the motherland, Acer Group, accustomed to overseas expansion, began to look more and more toward the mainland China and started its “journey of return.” At the beginning of the new year, the reporter came to the prosperous Acer (Zhongshan) production base. The Acer (Zhongshan) production base was invested by Acer’s Hongdian Group. It not only brought Zhongshan a direct investment of 100 million U.S. dollars but also brought it from Taiwan Four supporting vendors, of which two have been in the Acer (Zhongshan) base started construction work on one side, the other
2658项专利、连续6年位居全球各大公司榜首,这是 IBM 公司在1998年营业额达817亿美元同时向世界交出的一张杰出的技术答卷。难道IBM 公司在今年或者在今后几年内都会采用、
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