Prediction of Apparent Equivalent Thickness Using the Spontaneous Potential Method and Its Applicati

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tadpoleFLY
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The upper spontaneous potential produced by oil and gas accumulation is of a stable potential field,and its intensity is directly proportional to the content of the source and inversely proportional to the radius apart from the source. Theoretical research and practical results show that anomalies of spontaneous potential can indicate oil-bearing sandstone bodies and locate the areas of oil and gas accumulation. In oil areas which have fewer reservoir beds,the petroleum reservoir thickness can be predicted by determining the linear relationship between potential intensity and apparent equivalent thickness. In the Weixing (卫星) oilfield,which is devoid of sufficient reservoir beds,its apparent equivalent thickness can be predicted by the linear equation h= -0.19x+0.74. On the basis of geological research,we use the spontaneous potential method to predict the equivalent thickness,helping in the selection of the most appropriate drill sites to enhance the probability of successful well boring so as to serve the next round development of the oilfield. The upper spontaneous potential produced by oil and gas accumulation is of a stable potential field, and its intensity is directly proportional to the content of the source and inversely proportional to the radius apart from the source. potential can indicate oil-bearing sandstone bodies and locate the areas of oil and gas accumulation. in the oil area which have less reservoir beds, the petroleum reservoir thickness can be predicted by determining the linear relationship between potential intensity and apparent equivalent thickness. (Satellite) oilfield, which is devoid of sufficient reservoir beds, its apparent equivalent thickness can be predicted by the linear equation h = -0.19x + 0.74. On the basis of geological research, we use the spontaneous potential method to predict the equivalent thickness , helping in the selection of the most appropriate drill sites to enhance the probability of successful well boring so as to serve the next round development of the oilfield.
目的 探讨贲门癌经腹手术治疗的最佳操作方法.方法回顾分析60例经腹手术的贲门癌患者的临床资料.结果术后并发症发生率低(8.33%),无吻合口瘘,术后5年生存率为21.05%.结论贲门癌术前检查食管受侵在2 cm之内,可行经腹手术,操作充分显露上腹部,使用自动大拉钩,充分游离食道下段,提倡使用吻合器操作,手术安全、术后并发症低、恢复快,疗效满意。
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Background Resection of tumors arising from the tongue base and the parapharyngeal space is difficult for exposure and manipulation because of their obscure loc