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现代的企业发展需要一定程度的科技、管理、高技能的人才。一个效益好的企业,必然是人力资源管理水平高的企业.而人力资源管理水平低的企业.企业的发展必然受到制约。目前,是知识经济的时代,特别是在有些曾创造过辉煌的国有煤炭企业,由于机制的改变、自然资源枯竭和地质条件的变化,使其要想在创造辉煌的压力十分巨大。这些压力虽然有人们不可改变的 Modern enterprise development requires a certain degree of science and technology, management, highly skilled personnel. A good business, must be a high level of human resource management companies, while the low level of human resource management companies. The development of enterprises is bound to be constrained. At present, it is an era of knowledge-based economy. Especially in some state-owned coal enterprises that have created glorious past, due to the change of mechanisms, the depletion of natural resources and the change of geological conditions, it is very great pressure for them to create brilliant achievements. Although some of these pressures can not be changed
Coal fly ash is an industrial solid waste generated from coal preparation during the processing and cleaning of coal for electric power generation.Comprehensive
Researches on macroscopic fouling behavior and micromorphology are usually conducted separately.In this paper,the relationship between the macroscopic fouling b
Methane and carbon dioxide hydrates are one of the possible forms in which these gases exist in natural coal (for more detailed discussion see Refs[1,2]).In thi