
来源 :山西农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuzengyong1
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经过五年考查,采集标本3000余份,寄主植物164种,已鉴定植物真菌病害524种,其中粮食作物病害76种,经济作物病害62种,果树病害77种,林木病害71种,蔬菜病害112种,花卉病害37种,中药材病害61种,饲料及野生植物28种。其中有300多种病害属山西省首次记载,同时包括一部分尚未鉴定到种的枝枯病。所采集的标本均保藏在山西农业大学植保系真菌标本室。 After five years of investigation, more than 3000 specimens were collected and 164 host plants were collected. 524 plant fungal diseases were identified, of which 76 were crop diseases, 62 were cash crop diseases, 77 were tree diseases, 71 were forest diseases and 112 were vegetable diseases 37 kinds of flowers and plants, 61 diseases of Chinese herbal medicines, 28 kinds of feed and wild plants. Among them, more than 300 kinds of diseases are recorded for the first time in Shanxi Province, and some of them have not been identified. The collected specimens were preserved in Shanxi Agricultural University, Department of Plant Protection fungi specimens room.
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第一次听Going 2 Ohio的时候差点儿以为这是支美国小朋克,了解过后才知道它不仅是本土乐队,而且乐队元老人物都是90年生人,乐队雏形早在他们一起读高一的时候就有了。在大学
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小绿叶蝉[Empoasca flcvescens(Fabricius)]是茶树的主要害虫。为了研究其雌性生殖系统构造及卵巢分级标准以在测报上得到应用,我们于1985年4~8月对该虫进行了卵巢解剖,现将
1985年以来,我们在湖南省长沙、石门等9个县(市)的4—8年生猕猴桃栽培园和石门、酃县、攸县等野生猕猴桃区开展了害虫调查,并进行了防治试验。 一、主要害虫种类及其为害 几