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超声应用于产科已有30年。70年代以来,B 型超声显象在产科的应用日益广泛,它操作简便,诊断迅速、准确、无痛苦、易重复,能观察胎儿在母体中的形成、发育和生长过程,检测出胎儿多种结构和功能异常,指导医生进行宫内穿刺和宫内治疗;能监测卵泡发育,在诱发排卵及试管婴儿等领域中发挥重要作用,故越来越受到广大医务人员和孕产妇的欢迎和重视,有些人则倡议把超声显象列为产科常规检查手段。然而,诊断超声安全性的基础研究(理论与实验方面)和流行病学调查结果警告人们,现行诊断剂量对胎儿安全的潜在危害不能完全排除,因而超声诊断在产科应用的安全性问题已引起有关人士的关注。 Ultrasound has been used in obstetrics for 30 years. Since the 1970s, B-mode ultrasound imaging has been widely used in obstetrics. It has the advantages of simple operation, rapid diagnosis, accurate, painless and easy to be repeated. It can observe the formation, development and growth of the fetus in the mother, Structure and function abnormalities, to guide the doctor for intrauterine puncture and intrauterine therapy; to monitor follicular development in the induction of ovulation and testicular baby and other fields play an important role, it is more and more the majority of medical staff and pregnant women welcome and attention, Some people advocate the ultrasound imaging as obstetric examination. However, basic research (theoretical and experimental) to diagnose the safety of ultrasound and epidemiological findings have warned that the potential harm to fetal safety from current diagnostic doses can not be completely ruled out and that the issue of the safety of ultrasound diagnosis in obstetric applications has been associated with People’s attention.
A rapid and practical method for direct detection of zidovudine in high performance anion exchange chromatography(HPAEC) has been developed with integrated puls
介绍非手术疗法治疗幼女阴唇粘连症28例的临床经验,从解剖、生理、病理阐明此症的病因、病理和临床特征,及研制的三种溶解阴唇粘连症软膏,尤以三号软膏疗效最好,可在2~7d 使粘
In a newly-opened wine shop in Beijing, the manager was recommending to me a new type of wine and said, “Frankie favors this one.” Who was Frankie? Did the ma