
来源 :躬耕 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tianzhh
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一直沉论在“相信感觉,相信简单”八个字里面,凭着自身的敏感来感受世界,然后从这样一个狭隘的角度得出种种结论,把这结论编织成网做成壳,保护着我远离尘世的喧嚣。站在栏杆旁,微凉的风开始侵蚀身上的每一个毛孔,忽一阵劲风,吹乱了我的头发。我没有去整理,透过发丝,白炽灯光发出的零碎的灯光,若有若无。走廊中无比喧闹,三五个女生堆在一块叽叽喳喳。成群的男生凑到一块谈论某个美女。还有成双成对的在倾诉情话,各自演绎着不同的角色。我孤独地淹没在人群中,那些幸福仿佛离我很近,但我怎么触摸都是遥不可及。身旁站着他,只轻轻地问候了一下,仿佛在作揖,不然不会显得那么不自然。人都是那么的虚伪,总以为把自己掩饰起来不会露出任何破绽,却不知道透过这些虚伪反而可以更清楚地觉察出他的本质。这就是人最大的悲哀。 In the eight words of “believing feelings, believing in simplicity,” he has always felt the world through his own sensitivity, and then draws conclusions from such a narrow angle, and weave this conclusion into a net and protect it. I am away from earthly noises. Standing by the railing, the cool wind began to erode every pore in the body, and a breeze stirred my hair. I did not sort it out. Through the hair, the fragmented light from the incandescent light, if not there. The corridors are very noisy, and three or five girls are piled together. The crowd of boys came together to talk about a beautiful woman. There are pairs of pairs who tell the love story and perform different roles. I was alone in the crowd, and the happiness seemed to be close to me, but how could I touch it was out of reach. Standing next to him, he only gently greeted him, as if he was doing something, otherwise he would not appear so unnatural. People are all so hypocritical and always think that concealing themselves does not reveal any flaws, but they do not know that through these hypocrites they can more clearly perceive his essence. This is the greatest tragedy of man.
Ⅰ.重点短语apply...to...,lose heart,take it easy,keep up, common sense,leave behind,lose one’s way,come to an end,live through sth.,tie up,go for I. Key phras
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IQ是英文”INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT”的缩写,含义是智商.IQ题即智商测试题,融知识性、趣味性、智慧性于一体,是目前十分时兴的一种智力游戏题.其题目设计别出心裁,答案常常出