In the Name Of a Master

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Lao She, one of China’s great-est contemporary writers, is a household name across the country. Renowned for pro-ducing novels and plays in vivid Beijing dialect, one of his most noted works was Teahouse, a play in three acts, written in 1957. Lao She, one of China’s great-est contemporary writers, is a household name across the country. Renowned for pro-ducing novels and plays in vivid Beijing dialect, one of his most noted works was Teahouse, a play in three acts, written in 1957.
1981年12月,在成都《青年作家》发表第一组诗,共五首。1987年6月,组诗《黄土地》在《青春》诗专号发表,被收入中国文联出版公司出版的《第三代诗人探索诗选》。 December 19
目的:探讨纳米碳混悬液注射对乳腺癌前哨淋巴结示踪的效果。方法:对36例乳腺癌患者,术前30 min于乳晕周围分4点皮下均匀注射纳米碳混悬液,找到腋窝黑染淋巴结确定为前哨淋巴
1989年5月8日,陕西省宝鸡市某建筑工地发生一起因食用凉拌芹菜引起的食物中毒,现将调查结果报道如下。 1 流行病学调查及临床情况 5月5日下午,该工地有3个民工伙食灶购买附