英姿飒爽 钢城刑警——鞍山市公安局刑侦支队

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辽宁省鞍山市公安局刑侦支队全体民警继承和发扬特别能吃苦、特别能战斗的优良传统和作风,强化规范化、专业化建设,不断提高队伍的政治含量、科技含量和智慧含量,使刑侦工作和队伍建设取得丰硕成果。1997年以来,刑侦支队四次被评为全国先进集体,先后被公安部、辽宁省委省政府荣记集体一等功;连续三年被省委、省政府授予先进党委、精神文明建设先进单位等荣誉称号,荣获市级以上集体荣誉80余项。2005年8月,支队长姚伟作为全省警察的唯一代表参加了全国公安保卫战线英雄模范、立功集体代表大会,受到了胡锦涛总书记等党和国家领导人的亲切接见。近年来,队伍中涌现出全国优秀人民警察、全国三八红旗手、辽宁省“五一奖章”获得者,鞍山市劳动模范、鞍山市十大杰出青年等一大批先进典型。 All police officers of Criminal Investigation Detachment in Anshan City Public Security Bureau of Liaoning Province inherit and carry forward the fine traditions and style of work that they can especially endure and can fight in particular. They have also strengthened their standardization and specialization so as to continually improve the political, technological and intellectual content of the ranks so that criminal investigation work and The team building has achieved fruitful results. Since 1997, the Criminal Investigation Detachment has been awarded the national advanced collective four times and has been awarded the first class by the Ministry of Public Security and Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government. It has been awarded the Advanced Party Committee and Advanced Unit of Spiritual Civilization Construction by the Provincial Party Committee and Government for three consecutive years And other honorary titles, won more than 80 collective honors above the municipal level. In August 2005, as the only police representative in the province, Yao Wei, the captain of the detachment, took part in the national congress of the heroic exemplary and meritorious service of the national security front and was cordially received by the party and state leaders like General Secretary Hu Jintao. In recent years, there have been a large number of advanced models such as National Excellent People’s Police, 38 Flags Red Flagers, Liaoning Provincial May Day Medalists, model workers in Anshan and 10 outstanding young people in Anshan City.
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