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今年4月,是毛泽东同志“百花齐放、推陈出新”题词问世四十周年。由中宣部文艺局、文化部艺术局、中国艺术研究院、中国戏剧家协会、中国戏曲学会、中国京剧院、中国评剧院、中国戏曲学院、中国艺术研究院戏曲研究所九单位筹办的纪念大会于4月15日下午在人民大会堂隆重举行。中央有关领导,中宣部、文化部负责同志及首都戏曲界、新闻界约五百人参加了大会。1951年4月3日,毛泽东同志为新成立的中国戏曲研究院题词:“百花齐放、推陈出新”。这一题词成为指导戏曲艺术以及整个文化艺术事业的重要方针。同年5月5日,周恩来总理签署发布了《政务院关于戏曲改革工作的指示》,制订了贯彻“百花齐放、推陈出新”方针的具体政策和措施。四十年过去了,实践证明,“百花齐放、推陈出新”的提出是运用马克思主义的普遍真理解决中国文化问题的一个范例,它完全符合艺术的 This April is the fortieth anniversary of the advent of Comrade Mao Tse-tung’s “Hundred Flowers Blossomed and Innovated.” Organized by nine units of the Central Academy of Drama, Ministry of Culture, Arts Bureau, Chinese Academy of Arts, Chinese Dramatists Association, Chinese Opera Society, Chinese Peking Opera, China Criticism Theater, Chinese Opera Institute, Chinese Academy of Arts The conference was held in the Great Hall of the People on the afternoon of April 15 in the afternoon. Relevant leaders of the Central Government, the Central Propaganda Department, responsible comrades of the Ministry of Culture and the capital’s drama industry attended the conference. About 500 members of the press attended the conference. On April 3, 1951, Comrade Mao Tse-tung wrote the inscription for the newly established Chinese Opera Research Institute: “Hundred flowers bloom and innovation”. This inscription has become an important guideline for the art of opera as well as the entire culture and art. On May 5 of the same year, Premier Zhou Enlai signed and promulgated the “Directive of the State Council on Opera Reform” and formulated specific policies and measures for implementing the policy of “letting a hundred flowers bloom together and bring forth new ideas”. Forty years have passed and practice has proved that the proposal of “letting a hundred flowers blossom and an introduction of new ideas” is an example of using the universal truth of Marxism to solve the problem of Chinese culture and is entirely in line with the artistic
常熟市汽摩配商会成立于2004年 10月22日,拥有会员单位50余家,涉及汽配、摩托、轮胎、用品、汽保及汽修等行业,其中有20余家会员单位已进驻常熟国际汽配城,共谋发展。常熟市
舞台大戏都有主、配角之分 ,小戏也不例外。但配角是整台戏中作用切不可忽视。戏剧是综合性艺术 ,灯、服、道、效、化等各部门 ,每个角色都担当着各自的艺术责任。戏剧演出环