The Influence of Reading Strategies on Vocational School Students s’Reading Ability

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  Abstract: Reading plays a very important role in English learning. It is one of the most significant parts in vocational school English teaching.Thus,improving students ’reading abilities is one of the objectives of vocational school English teaching. Based on a brief introduction of the concept of reading theories and the importance of vocational school English reading, this thesis aims at investigating the use of English reading strategies on vocational school students’ reading by means of questionnaire and interview. Through the employment of the quantitative andqualitative approach, the author analyzes the effect of reading strategies’use on students’reading ability. The results show that the use of ef一factive reading strategies has an active influence on vocational school students ’reading ability.
  Key Words : English reading; reading strategies ; reading ability ; correlation ; vocational school student
  [中图分类 ]H319
  Nowadays, the teaching of reading becomes more and more significant in English teaching and learning of vocational school. Obviously, reading is one of the most important parts in it. To improve students reading ability is also one of the most important aims invocational school English teaching.‘ New Course Standard’d emends that students should have overall reading competences, but during my teaching practice, I often hear complaints among the students that there are too many difficulties in doing reading. No matter how hard they try, it does not change. Thus, they become passive inEnglish learning, and more seriously, some even give up English learning in their school stage, so it is really worth the teachers’ special attention to change this situation. My purpose of this study is to investigate these problems in reading and their effects on vocational school students, hoping to find some appropriate ways to solve the problems by encouraging these students to use effective reading strategies.
  二、Literature Review
  Reading is an important part in foreign language learning. What is reading? Modern psychological linguists and cognitive linguists deem reading as a complicated, actively thinking psychological activity. It is also necessary for us to know the reading strategies in or一der to have an efficient reading.   ③Scan for Specific Information。 Scanning is a skill that re一quires us to read quickly while looking for specific information. Toscane a reading text, we should start at the top of the page and then move our eyes quickly toward the bottom. Generally, scanning is a technique that is helpful when we are looking for the answer toknown question. This is especially helpful when taking a test.
  ④Skim for General Information。Like scanning, skimming also requires us to read quickly. When we skim a text, though, we are not looking for specific information; we are trying to get the main idea or point of the text which we are reading. When skimming area ding selection, start with the title of the text, then read the to pisentence of each paragraph. Skimming is a skill that is especially suitable for doing research.
  ⑤Read in Units or Chunks of Words。When we see sentences written on paper, we see words that are separated by spaces. What we hear when we speak, are not words but sounds. Reading is similar to speaking because people who are proficient readers read sentences in units of words rather than one word at a time. This skill takes practice, but it is worth the effort.
  As mentioned above, the discussion part mainly talked about proper reading strategy use. Only if students know how important theproper use of reading strategies are can they make full use of the various reading strategies consciously,and improve their reading ability to become a better reader.
  1. Summary of the Research
  This thesis is based on a brief introduction of reading concept, theories and the importance of English reading. It aims at investigate一ting the influence of English reading strategies on vocational school students’ reading ability by means of questionnaire and interview.Overall, the result shows that there are some problems in students ’reading strategy use. So it is necessary for English educators to paymuch attention and guide students to improve their reading ability byusing proper reading strategies. Therefore, some suggestions are presented to students for their own conscious application, and thpurpose is to encourage them to improve their reading ability and al一so rebuild their confidence in English learning.
  2. Limitations and Recommendations for Further Research
  Like all the researches,the present one also has its own limit a一tions. As the author is new in doing quantitative and qualitative re一search, this study needs further improvement. Firstly, the sample size is not big enough and future studies need to be replicated with a bigger sample size. Secondly, the questionnaire does not include all the reading strategies, so the statements of reading strategies stilled to be supplemented. Thirdly, the study can be combined with other reading theories in China. Therefore, it might be meaningful and beneficial if we could apply findings in one field to the other ,which will be helpful for future studies. All in all, the author hopes that this study could make some contributions to the teaching of reading, and with more efforts from other researchers in the same field, the teaching of reading could be more efficient and fruitful.Bibliography:
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