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采用经济合理和科学的施肥技术是优化配方施肥的重要内容。本文通过乐都县川、浅、脑地区,不同肥料、不同施肥时期、不同施肥方式的研究,说明有机、无机肥料合理的施用条件和增产效果,供今后在推广中参考应用。 The use of economically rational and scientific fertilization technology is an important part of the optimization of fertilization. In this paper, we study the reasonable application conditions and yield increase of organic and inorganic fertilizers through the study of different fertilizers, different fertilizers and fertilizers in Sichuan, Shallow and Brain regions of Ledu County for reference in future application.
Cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea) is an allotetraploid crop planted in Asia,Africa,and America for edible oil and protein.To explore the origins and conseque
Lignin is specifically deposited in plant secondary cell walls,and initiation of lignin biosynthesis is regulated by a variety of developmental and environmenta
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盐稻2号原代号50737,系江苏沿海地区农科所以259作母本、嘉农籼育13为父本杂交育成,1990年4月江苏省农作物品种审定委员会审定通过并命名。产量表现 1986年参加盐城市中籼稻
Cytoplasmic effects (CEs) have been discovered to influence a diverse array of agronomic traits in crops,and understanding the underlying mechanisms can help ac
杂交晚稻新组合协优46系用矮败型不育系协青早和籼粳偏籼恢复系密阳46配组而成。在1987~1989年3年的浙江省籼型杂交晚稻区试和大田示范中,表现产量较高,一 The new hybrid l