Phosphatized biotas from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation on the Yangtze Platform

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yujiankaka
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The Doushantuo Formation in South China was deposited after the Nantuo glaciation but before the evolution of complex Ediacaran metazoans. It contains multiple taphonomic windows, in its cherts, carbonaceous shales, and phosphorites, onto the late Neoproterozoic biosphere. The phosphatic window is unusually clear; Doushantuo phosphorites at Weng’an (Guizhou Province) are known to exquisitely preserve a multitude of single-celled eukaryotes, muiticellular algae, and microscopic animals. Our recent survey reveals that, in addition to the now famous Weng’an locality, Doushantuo phosphorites at Baokang (Hubei), Chadian (Shaanxi), and Shangrao (Jiangxi) also contain diverse eukaryotes preserved at the cellular level. All these phosphorites were deposited in shallow-water environments, typically above fair weather wave base and close to ancient islands. Along with Doushantuo cherts and shales, these phosphorites give us a clearer and more complete picture of late Neoproterozoic biological evolution: there is The Doushantuo Formation in South China was deposited after the Nantuo glaciation but before the evolution of complex Ediacaran metazoans. It contains multiple taphonomic windows, in its cherts, carbonaceous shales, and phosphorites, onto the late Neoproterozoic biosphere. The phosphatic window is unusually clear; Doushantuo phosphorites at Weng’an (Guizhou Province) are known to exquisitely preserve a multitude of single-celled eukaryotes, muiticellular algae, and microscopic animals. Our recent survey reveals that in addition to the now famous Weng’an locality, Doushantuo phosphorites at Baokang (Hubei), Chadian (Shaanxi), and Shangrao (Jiangxi) also contain diverse eukaryotes preserved at the cellular level. All these phosphorites were deposited in shallow-water environments, typically above fair weather wave base and close to ancient islands. Along with Doushantuo cherts and shales, these phosphorites give us a clearer and more complete picture of late Neoproterozoic biological ev olution: there is
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