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随着社会不断的发展,民众对医疗保健的要求越来越高,全科医师也越来越受到人们的欢迎。英国是众多较早开展全科医师医疗体系的国家之一。经过多年的发展探索,英国已拥有较为完善的国民健康服务体系;灵活、独立、高效运行的全科医疗诊所;严谨的全科社区就诊制度;协同良好的社区与全科门诊的整合式服务;严密、完善的医疗质量监管体系;严格、高标准、同质化的全科医生培养体系等等。英国的医疗卫生保障制度的服务宗旨和英国国民健康服务体系(NHS)的六大价值观与我国的新一轮医疗体制改革的核心要求是相似的。对目前我国正在进行的基层卫生工作综合如分级诊疗、基层首诊,医养结合,开展全科签约服务具有很好的学习借鉴作用。经过2周的培训,通过对英国全科医师培养模式的研究,结合我国实际情况,笔者发现要加强我国全科医学体系建设,夯实基层医疗卫生服务基础;建立完善的全科医生“守门人”制度,做好分级诊疗和双向转诊;加强以全科医生为核心的服务团队建设,推动医学模式在社区的转变;要进一步加强全科规培基地骨干师资队伍建设;以社区卫生服务为核心,在社区层面横向整合多方社会服务资源;加大宣传,正确引导居民的就医需求;探讨适合我国的全科医师培养模式,从而推动我国全科医学的发展。 With the continuous development of society, people are more and more demanding on health care, and general practitioners are also more and more popular. The United Kingdom is one of the many countries where the general practitioner medical system was started earlier. After many years of development and exploration, the United Kingdom already has a relatively complete system of national health services; a flexible, independent and efficient general practice clinic; a rigorous community-wide consultation system; an integrated community-based and outpatient service; Tight, perfect medical quality supervision system; Strict, high standard, homogeneous general practitioner training system and so on. The purpose of serving the health care system in the United Kingdom and the Six Values ​​of the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom are similar to the core requirements of the new round of medical system reform in our country. At present, China’s ongoing grass-roots health work such as grading the diagnosis and treatment, grassroots first visit, combined with medical and health services to carry out the whole contract has a good learning and reference. After two weeks of training, through the study of the training mode of British general practitioners combined with the actual situation in our country, I found that we must strengthen the construction of general medical system in our country and lay a solid foundation for primary health care services. The establishment of a sound general practitioner "System, do a good job of grading diagnosis and treatment and two-way referral; strengthen the construction of service team with general practitioner as the core, and promote the transformation of medical model in the community; further strengthen the construction of the key faculty of general disciplinarian training bases; take the community health service As the core, integrate social service resources horizontally at the community level; step up publicity to properly guide the residents’ medical needs; and explore the general practitioner training model suitable for our country so as to promote the development of general practice in China.