草根舞台 演绎春光

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  Rural Residents Find Fun on Grassroots Stage
  By Zhu Zhu
  Gaojian Town is one of the earliest industrialized regions in Sanmen County in southern Zhejiang when village and town factories mushroomed in the early years of the reform starting in the late 1970s. For a long while, entertainment events were far and few between in Gaojian. People drank, played mahjong and cards in their spare time. The only two recreational choices had unpleasant downsides: You lose money if you gamble; you get into trouble if you get drunk.   The idea of organizing some local recreations first occurred to Zheng Yue, a shopkeeper in Gaojian. He talked with Zheng Shangqi and Zheng Jianhua about his idea. The three saw eye to eye. Excited, they decided to take action.
  In the early 2009, they set up a so-called “art troupe.” In front of Zheng Yue’s shop is a walkway about 5 to 6 meters wide and nearby is a large public square with flowers in the center. They chipped in and spent about 10,000 on acoustics, mikes, and a television set and turned them into a Karaoke system. They set up the system outside the shop and began to entertain themselves one evening. Their singing attracted crowds. Their family members came to sing. When the news that they sang regularly spread to neighboring villages and factories, more people came to sing and enjoy watching and listening. Some women who had done their evening line dance somewhere moved their dance venue nearby to enjoy the fun atmosphere.
  After the first wave of excitement, the three founders of the art troupe thought they needed to expand and hold regular events. Zheng Shangqi talked with other entrepreneurs in the town and they responded enthusiastically. They decided to build a “Grassroots Stage” at the town square. They chipped in again. A 60-m2 steel-structure stage was set up at the square. They bought an acoustic system, lighting devices, costumes, and props.
  The stage has evolved into an entertainment/recreation center for Gaojian Town and neighboring villages. There is a show in the evening when a market day ends, that is, there are about 6 regular evening shows per month, as a market day takes place every five days, a tradition that goes back to centuries in Gaojian Town.
  The art troupe has become the major entertainer in town. These grassroots entertainers never lack inspiration for creating shows. Some old-age performers, though with little formal school education, are creative stage artists. You give them an idea and a few days later, they come up with a complete show: a good storyline, characters, lines.
  The members of the troupe, though not making a cent out of shows, put in more than their money. When a big show comes up, they sometimes close their businesses for an evening.
  Zheng Xihong, a villager, emcees regular shows on market evenings. She goes all out for her role. Her father-in-law is in charge of her wardrobe; her husband drives her to and from the stage; her son tags along to be with the parents. None of the members of the art troupe gets paid for participating, but they are willing and they pay their time and money to be part of shows, as they think every minute is fun.   They have learned fast. Zheng Shanglou is in charge of controlling stage lighting. A factory owner, he did not have any experience of stage lighting. He learned through watching shows put up by other lighting controllers.
  The troupe has created quite a few shows. Its repertoire includes old-time plays as well as new programs. Moreover, the troupe tours neighboring villages in important festivals such as New Year’s Day and Spring Festival. The shows, entertaining, also aim to promote community and family harmony, uphold patriotism, civility and value. Performers speak the local dialect so that messages can well spread and sink in better.
  Local residents are enthusiastic performers too. The stage in Gaojian Town is also theirs. Anyone who has a show can put it on at the stage. Thousands of grassroots enthusiasts have performed on the stage. Audiences cheer and come back to watch, because these shows are their stories, their voices, their sentiments, their entertainment, and their fun.
金秋时节,以上海市文联副主席迟志刚为团长的上海文艺家新疆喀什采风团一行22人来到了喀什和石河子,采访、慰问、学习。所到之处,无不激起艺术家的感怀。曾经的荒沙戈壁如今已是风景如画,正如曾在石河子兵团生活工作的著名诗人艾青诗中所言:“人类的历史延续在不断的创造里,人类的文化因不断的创造而辉煌,我们创造着、生活着,生活与创造是我们生命的两个轮子。”  短短几天的行程略显仓促,但采风团艺术家们的感受却不绝
等腰三角形的性质定理和判定定理在几何证明中应用十分广泛,  但许多题的图形中并没有显示现成的等腰三角形.现介绍构造等腰三角形的几种方法,供读者参考. 一、在题图中,如
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