,A vaccine crisis in the era of social media

来源 :国家科学评论(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:su9989
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INTRODUCTIONVaccines are among the most important tools used to prevent and treat infectious disease.Saving an estimated 3 million lives annually,as well as billions of dollars in treatment costs,they represent both one of mankinds great humanitarian accomplishments and one of our best investments [1,2].Yet,in spite of their well-established track record,misinformation regarding vaccine safety and efficacy stubboly persists.Decreased rates of immunization in many parts of the world attest to the fact that anti-vaccine campaigns and other sources of misinformation are distorting public perception of these life-saving measures [3].
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我七岁上小学,记得我们的教室很大,稀稀落落地坐着二十多名同学,梳辫子的只有七位。老师看了看那怯生生的“半边天”,先让大一些的琴做了学习委员,却选不出文艺委员领唱课前歌,后来慧眼识珠,发现我嗓门儿大又挺大方,便委任了我。  老师们都很愿意做我们的班主任,理由极简单:学生少,操心事少;女生少,操心事更少。所有的班主任也都说我们班女生最友好,总和和气气的。她们却忘了:女孩子天生会掩饰。其实,文艺委员与学