
来源 :上海青年管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lisong459
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文章第一部分讨论了青年吸烟的四种动机类型,即情绪型动机、交际型动机、习惯型动机和符号型动机。其中,符号型动机占据了日益显著的重要性位置,对这类吸烟者来说,吸烟是为了建立或改善某种自我形象。女性比男性更注重香烟的符号意义,香烟对男性而言意味着力量、男子气、地位与身份,对于女性则象征着解放、自由与平等。符号型吸烟的逐步增多预示着吸烟者渐渐成为这个社会符号消费的又一批殉道者。文章的第二部分就吸烟背后的社会驱力——符号消费做了进一步分析。 The first part of the article discusses four types of motivations for young people to smoke, that is emotional motivation, communicative motivation, habitual motivation and symbolic motivation. Among them, the symbolic motivation occupies an increasingly significant position of importance, for such smokers, smoking is to establish or improve some kind of self-image. Women pay more attention to the symbolic meaning of cigarettes than men. Cigarettes mean masculinity, masculinity, status and identity. For women, they symbolize liberation, freedom and equality. The gradual increase in symbolic smoking indicates that smokers are gradually becoming another group of martyrs for consumption of this social symbol. The second part of the article makes a further analysis of the social driving force behind smoking - consumption of symbols.
目的 通过体外表达rhIL 12 ,以供研究其在体内外的生物学效应。方法 外周血单个核细胞 (PBMC)、粘附细胞和人口腔表皮样癌细胞KB分别经SAC(含A蛋白的金黄色葡萄球菌CowanⅠ
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