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各市、县、自治县人民政府,省政府直属各单位:为贯彻落实《国务院办公厅关于印发海南省人民政府、建设部、财政部、国土资源部、人民银行处置海南省积压房地产试点方案的通知》(国办发[1999]62号)精神,加快积压房地产流通,盘活金融资产,切实改善经济运行环境,现就有关事项通知如下:一、未参加房改(含退回已购公有住房)的职工,购买积压商品住房或停缓建工程续建成的商品住房,可按房改政策给予各项优惠。购房面积超过规定标准部分,按实际成交价计算,不再实行超标加价。已购买公有住房、参加集资建房或已领取住房补贴的职工,允许再购买转换为经济适用住房的积 Municipalities, counties and autonomous counties People’s government, the provincial government units directly under: In order to implement the “General Office of the State Council on the issuance of Hainan Provincial People’s Government, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Land and Resources, People’s Bank of Hainan Province backlog of plans to deal with the backlog of real estate notice” (Guo Ban Fa [1999] No. 62), to speed up the backlog of real estate circulation, revitalize financial assets and effectively improve the economic operation environment. We hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows: I. Staff and workers who did not participate in the housing reform (including the return of purchased public housing) Purchase of backlog of commodity housing or stop construction of the project continued to build a commodity housing, according to the housing reform policy to give the concessions. Purchase area exceeds the required standard part, according to the actual transaction price, no longer implement excessive markup. Employees who have purchased public housing, participated in raising funds for housing construction or have received housing subsidies, and allowing the purchase of products that are converted into affordable housing
本文对武汉市外来务工人员的语言能力、语码使用、语言态度等方面进行调查,并单独对普通话的具体情况展开研究,得出武汉市外来务工人员语言使用的基本情况。 This paper inv
本刊讯(特约通讯员卢胜进) 11月中旬,由湖南省江永县桃川洞名特优新产品开发区管理委员会、江永潇湘食品有限公司和该县科学技术局共同承担的“黑蚱蝉田间消长规律及防治技术
早春甘蓝往往容易发生根腐病,致使幼苗大面积干枯死亡,给生产造成较大的损失。鉴于此,笔者给今春栽植甘蓝的农民朋友提个醒,防治此病一定要从苗期做起。 Early spring cabba
本文综述了无线接入的技术要求,无线/蜂窝移动通信的演变,以及针对大范围电话业务而采取的无线接入的技术可行性和所遇到的设计挑战。 This article reviews the technical