素炒土豆丝 减肥降血脂

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素炒土豆丝有美容养颜、促进消化、消肿通便、健脾和胃、减肥的作用,而且降血脂的效果也很好。原料:土豆2个,胡萝卜、青椒、花椒、蒜、盐、白糖、酱油、醋、香油适量。做法:将土豆去皮切丝,用清水加少许醋浸泡3分钟,再用水冲净,加少许食用油拌匀备用;锅中加适量水烧开后加盐,将土豆丝、胡萝卜丝放入焯烫后捞出,坐锅点火倒油,下花椒炸香捞出,加入土豆丝、胡萝卜丝翻炒,调入盐、白糖,放入青椒丝,用蒜蓉、酱油、醋、香油调成汁,倒入炒锅翻炒均匀,出锅即可。 Sliced ​​fried potato silk beauty beauty, promote digestion, swelling and catharsis, spleen and stomach, the role of weight loss, and the effect of lowering blood pressure is also very good. Ingredients: 2 potatoes, carrots, green peppers, pepper, garlic, salt, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil amount. Practice: Peel the shredded potatoes with water and add a little vinegar soak for 3 minutes, then rinse with water, add a little oil and mix well spare; pot with the amount of water boiled salt, the potato silk, carrot silk into After blanching, remove and fry the pan and pour the oil. Remove the oil from the fried pepper under the pepper. Add in the potato and stir fry the carrot. Transfer the salt and sugar into the green pepper silk. Use garlic, soy sauce, vinegar and sesame oil Juice, stir into the wok stir evenly, pan can be.
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本文主要介绍了太阳能光伏发电系统和目前应用较广的太阳能光伏电源照明系统。 This article mainly introduces the solar photovoltaic power generation system and the
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