Relationship between metabolic syndrome and erectile dysfunction

来源 :Asian Journal of Andrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cbxabc
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Aim: To determine the relationship between metabolic syndrome (MS) and erectile dysfunction (ED) and to see which risk factors correlated the best with ED. Methods: Seventy-nine cardiology clinic outpatients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and lipid metabolism disorder were recruited. They were categorized as having MS, hypertension (blood pressure greater than 130/85 mmHg) and dyslipidemia. ED was classified based on International Index of Erectile Function scores. Patients were grouped into quartiles based on body mass index (BMI). Chi-square, Pearson’s correlation and regression tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: The mean age of the patients was 56.6 years. ED was diagnosed in 59 (74.7 %) of the 79 patients. In the 38 patients with MS, all had ED. ED was not significantly correlated with cholesterol levels (P > 0.05), but was found often in patients who had both hyperc-holesterolemia and HT (P<0.01). Nineteen(76 %) of the 25 patients who had dyslipidemia had ED. However, ED was not Methods: Seventy-nine cardiology clinic outpatients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and lipid metabolism disorder were recruited. They were categorized as having MS, hypertension (blood pressure greater than 130/85 mmHg) and dyslipidemia. ED were classified based on International Index of Erectile Function scores. Patients were grouped into quartiles based on body mass index (BMI). Chi -square, Pearson’s correlation and regression tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: The mean age of the patients was 56.6 years. ED was diagnosed in 59 (74.7%) of the 79 patients. In the 38 patients with MS, all had ED ED was not significantly correlated with cholesterol levels (P> 0.05), but was found often in patients who had both hyperc-holesterolemia and HT (P <0.01). Nineteen (76%) of the 25 patients who had dyslipidemia had ED. H owever, ED was not
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