深入贯彻《决定》精神 全面促进党的建设

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中国共产党是一个拥有6400多万党员的执政党,始终高度重视自身建设,尤其重视党员的表率作用。从党的十一届三中全会到最近召开的十五届六中全会,我们党在此期间曾召开过四次党的全国代表大会,三十四次中央全会。每次党的代表大会都专门阐述党的建设。衡量党的先进性,就是看它能不能始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是不是领导中国各项事业的核心力量。党的十五届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强和改进党的作风建设的决定》,正是指导党的作风建设的纲领性文件,是党中央针对新时期党建工作作出的重大决策和重大措施。《决定》始终坚持治党和治国紧密结合,治国必先治党,治党务必从严的决策,是以我国改革开放现代化建设为中心着眼于实践和发展的决策。《决定》的鲜明特点就在于它以党的作风建设为主体,用新思路、新思想、新办法回答和解决了我们面临的新情况、新问题。 The Chinese Communist Party, a ruling party with more than 64 million party members, always attaches great importance to self-construction and pays special attention to the exemplary role of party members. From the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee to the 6th Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee recently held during this period, our party held four party congresses and 34th plenary sessions during this period. Each party congress devoted to the party building. To measure the advanced nature of the party is to see whether it can always represent the development requirements of China’s advanced productive forces, represent the advancing direction of China’s advanced culture and represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people and whether it is the core force that will lead various undertakings in China. The “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening and Improving the Construction of the Party’s Work Style” adopted by the 6th Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee is the programmatic document that guides the party’s work style building. It is a major policy decision made by the CPC Central Committee for the party building in the new period and Major measure “Decision” always adheres to the principle of governing the country in close connection with the rule of the government. The governing of the country must first rule the party and the party must strictly implement the decision-making process. It is based on the modernization of China’s reform and opening up as its central task, with a view to making decisions in practice and development. The distinctive feature of “decision” is that it takes the party’s style construction as the main body and answers and settles the new situations and problems we face with new ideas, new ideas and new approaches.
1 胡夫金字塔——我是最高的  我是所有金字塔中最高的。我原高146.5米,虽然因年久风化,顶端剥落了10米,但现在的高度仍有136.5米。  2 卡夫拉金字塔——我有狮身人面像  我建于公元前2650年,比胡夫金字塔低3米,现高為133.5米。我虽然没有胡夫金字塔高,但我有狮身人面像。这是我的标志。  狮身人面像的面部参照卡夫拉(古埃及第四王朝第三个法老,即胡夫的儿子),身体為狮子,高22米,长
你需要:彩纸,尺子,剪刀,蜡笔,胶棒,沙子,食物色素,塑料袋,铅笔。  第一步:用彩纸剪一些边长3厘米和1.5厘米的正方形,一些长6厘米、宽3厘米的长方形。把其中一些正方形和长方形折成三角形,沿折线剪开。  第二步:用正方形、长方形和三角形拼成右图中的图形,比如骆驼、王室驳船、沙漠隼、方尖塔和狮身人面像等,粘在纸上。画出背景。  第三步:在塑料袋里混合沙子和食物色素。在纸上涂一些胶,把沙子撒上去,
我是一座金字塔,现在拿起你的蜡笔,给我涂上漂亮的颜色吧! I am a pyramid, now pick up your crayons, painted me a beautiful color it!
为了探秘,你来到了金字塔的中心地带。金字塔里面就像一个迷宫一样,稍不注意就会迷路。现在,你必须小心翼翼地寻找出去的路,否则你就会被困在里面哟! To explore, you come