
来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wintertear0704
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  I open up my brown leather wallet and see the plastic card with the faint1 image of my smiling face. This card not only says who I am but it is the key to freedom. With it I can go anywhere I want and do the things I had never been able to do before. However, with this new found freedom there is new found responsibility. I must make sure to follow the rules and be safe on my travels. If I fail to follow these rules, then this key to freedom can become the key to captivity. Although it may seem flimsy2, this simple piece of plastic holds unlimited power.
  I ask my mother the forbidden question, “What’s for dinner?” She rolls her eyes and gives me an even more forbidden answer, “You’re on your own for tonight.” Usually this means I have to make myself something simple for dinner like eggs and toast or I’ll have to warm up some leftovers from the past few nights. However, I remember I now possess an item that can unlock the culinary3 universe for me, my license. I inform my mother of my new plan to go search for something to satisfy my hunger. The only problem is this will be my first time ever driving on my own and this makes my mom very nervous. But after a few minutes of persuasion I convince4 her to allow me to take her car on my quest for nourishment. I grab her keys and walk out to the car ready to start this new chapter in my life.
  I shift the car into reverse and break the seal5 to the outside world and into freedom. As the car creeps backward, my hands start to sweat from the nerves of my first solo6 drive and I begin to think about all the things that could go wrong. However, I know that I cannot let these thoughts affect my actions and I tell myself if I do the right then I will be okay. I reach the stop sign at the exit in my neighborhood and watch as cars zoom7 by. I wait for a break in the chaos and when it finally arrives I take it. Immediately, I am thrust into a whole new world full of freedom and responsibility. I tell myself that it isn’t so bad and that I had nothing to worry about. I arrive to my destination and line my car up perfectly in a parking spot.   我把车换到倒车档,打破了外界的封锁,进入了自由。当汽车向后开动时,我的手开始因第一次独自驾驶的紧张而出汗,我开始思考所有可能出错的地方。但是,我知道我不能让这些想法影响自己的动作,我告诉自己如果我做对了,我就会没事的。我到了附近出口处的停车标志处,看着车辆飞驰而过。我在混乱中等着休息了一会儿,最终开动了车。立刻,我被推进了一个充满自由和责任的全新世界。我告诉自己,情况还不错,没什么好担心的。我到达了目的地,在停车场把车完美地对齐。
  I swing open the door to the business and immediately the smell of freshly baked bread overwhelms my senses. I order a turkey sandwich on wheat bread. I pay for the sandwich and walk out with a smile on my face because I have finally completed by quest for dinner. I start the car and once again I plunge into the world of freedom and responsibility. This time, however, I am more comfortable. When I finally pull into the driveway, I can see my mom overcome with relief. I walk into the house, set my food down, and devour8 my delicious sandwich.
  A driving license not only grants the privilege9 of driving but it also grants the privilege of a new life and experiences. However, in order to ensure I can keep this privilege I must follow the rules and make sure I am always safe. The possibilities of this piece of plastic are endless. Whether it is for a short run to subway or a cross country trip, I would not be able to go anywhere without the most important thing I carry, my license.
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