
来源 :Geo-Spatial Information Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiayunyangls
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The numerical manifold method (NMM) can calculate the movements and deformations of struc-tures or materials. Both the finite element method (FEM) for continua and the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) for block systems are special cases of NMM. NMM has separate mathematical covers and physical meshes: the mathematical covers define only fine or rough approximations; as the real material boundary, the physical mesh defines the integration fields. The mathematical covers are triangle units; the physical mesh includes the fault boundaries, joints, blocks and interfaces of different crust zones on the basis of a geological tectonic background. Aiming at the complex problem of continuous and discontinuous de-formation across the Chinese continent, the numerical manifold method (NMM) is brought in to study crustal movement of the Sichuan-Yunnan area. Based on the GPS velocity field in the Sichuan-Yunnan area, a crustal strain and stress field is simulated and analyzed. Moreover, results show that the NMM is a more suitable method than DDA in simulating the movement of the Sichuan-Yunnan area. Finally, a kind of mechanism of crustal motion in the Sichuan-Yunnan area is discussed in the paper. Both the finite element method (FEM) for continua and the discontinuous deformation analysis (DDA) for block systems are special cases of NMM. NMM has separate mathematical covers and physical meshes: the mathematical covers define only fine or rough approximations; as the real material boundary, the physical mesh defines the integration fields. The physical covers are triangle units; the physical mesh includes the fault boundaries, joints, blocks and interfaces of different crust zones on the basis of a geological tectonic background. Aiming at the complex problem of continuous and discontinuous de-formation across the Chinese continent, the numerical manifold method (NMM) is brought in to study crustal movement of the Sichuan-Yunnan area . Based on the GPS velocity field in the Sichuan-Yunnan area, a crustal strain and stress field is simulated and analyzed. Moreover, resu lts show that the NMM is a more suitable method than DDA in simulating the movement of the Sichuan-Yunnan area. Finally, a kind of mechanism of crustal motion in the Sichuan-Yunnan area is discussed in the paper.
目的 本研究旨在评价阿司咪唑、氯雷他丁、西替利嗪和特非那定四种第二代抗组胺药物的安全性、有效性和经济性,为国家基本药物目录调整提供依据。检索策略 检索Medline,Cochr
目的 比较质子泵抑制剂雷贝拉唑 (Rab)与奥美拉唑 (Ome)对十二指肠球部溃疡 (DU)患者抑酸效果和夜间酸突破 (NAB)的影响及其与肝药酶S 美芬妥英羟化酶 (CYP2C19)基因型的关
背景 过敏性疾病自 2 0世纪后叶迅速增加 ,其治疗药物随之上市。但大量临床研究并未明确药物治疗效果和经济学特性好坏 ,药物严重不良反应的出现给临床用药和国家基本药物遴
葛洲坝职教中心由三峡大学职业技术学院、葛洲坝职工大学、葛洲坝水利水电学校、湖北葛洲坝高级技工学校组成。学校伴随举世闻名的葛洲坝工程和三峡工程 ,已走过 30年风雨历