Parameter identification and blanking simulations of DP1000 and Al6082-T6 using Lemaitre damage mode

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This work provides numerical and experimental investigations of blanking process,where the shear-en-hanced Lemaitre\'s damage model is fully characterized and successfully applied in blanking process to predict the cutting force and cutting edge geometry under different blanking process parameters.Advanced high strength steel DP1000 and an aluminum alloy A16082-T6 are selected for series of experiments.To obtain the damage parameters in Lemaitre\'s damage model the fiat rectangular notched specimens tensile test was conducted and the inverse parameter identification procedure was performed.For characterizing the crack closure parameter h in the shear enhanced Lemaitre\'s damage model,an in-plane torsion test with novel specimen design was conducted.The finite element model (FEM) of this test was established with the minimum mesh size of 0.01 mm which was consistent with the minimum mesh size in the shear zone of the FEM for blanking process simulation.The longitudinal strain dis-tributions of four kinds of initial notch radius or central-hole specimen were measured and compared with simula-tion results to validate the FEMs for these four tests.Deformation analysis of blanking of a circular work piece also was performed under three clearances.The effects of blanking conditions on sheared part morphology were detected.Stress triaxiality distribution of the blank sheet was revealed taking advantage of the successfully established FEM.The availability of the testing method and the determination method of the parameters was investigated.
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目的 探讨父亲职业性接触农药与儿童白血病的关系.方法 检索万方、维普、CNKI、Cochrane library和PubMed等国内外数据库中有关父亲职业性接触农药与儿童白血病关系的病例对照试验.按照一定的纳入和排除标准选取文献,采用RevMan5.3软件对文献进行Meta分析.结果 最终选取的10项病例对照试验,Meta分析结果显示:父亲职业接触农药儿童急性白血病患病率的危险性是不接触的1.52倍(OR=1.52,95%CI:1.17~1.96).以对照来源、研究时间、样本量及接触农药种类进行分组,亚组
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