Thermal error modeling based on BiLSTM deep learning for CNC machine tool

来源 :先进制造进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hljxkbsyly
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The machining accuracy of computer numerical control machine tools has always been a focus of the manufacturing industry.Among all errors,thermal error affects the machining accuracy considerably.Because of the significant impact of Industry 4.0 on machine tools,existing thermal error modeling methods have encountered unprecedented challenges in terms of model complexity and capability of dealing with a large number of time series data.A thermal error modeling method is proposed based on bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) deep learning,which has good learning ability and a strong capability to handle a large group of dynamic data.A four-layer model framework that includes BiLSTM,a feedfor-ward neural network,and the max pooling is constructed.An elaborately designed algorithm is proposed for better and faster model training.The window length of the input sequence is selected based on the phase space reconstruc-tion of the time series.The model prediction accuracy and model robustness were verified experimentally by three validation tests in which thermal errors predicted by the proposed model were compensated for real workpiece cutting.The average depth variation of the workpiece was reduced from approximately 50 μm to less than 2 μm after compensation.The reduction in maximum depth variation was more than 85%.The proposed model was proved to be feasible and effective for improving machining accuracy significantly.
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