甘肃省人民委员会命令 甘议字第0411号

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1959年9月30日甘肃省人民委员会第5次行政会议通过,任命:王志中为甘肃省民政厅优抚局副局长;耿文青为甘肃省商业厅组织技术处处长,田绍锡为甘肃省商业厅商品检验处处长,王福岭为甘肃省商业厅财会处副处长;李学成为甘肃省驻沈阳办事处主任,虎克敏为甘肃省驻西安办事处副主任;杨源为甘肃省电力工业局总工程师,徐端衡、宋丕哲为甘肃省电力工业局副总工程师,杨堃、洪克为甘肃省电力工业局办公室副主任,周鹏林为甘肃省电力工业局人事工资科副科长,王治华为甘肃省电力工业局计划科副科长,曹献廷为甘肃省电力工业局财 September 30, 1959 Gansu Provincial People’s Committee adopted the fifth executive meeting, the appointment: Wang Zhizhong Gansu Provincial Civil Affairs Agency for the Deputy Secretary; Geng Wenqing Gansu Provincial Department of Commerce Organization Technology Division, Tian Shaoxi Gansu Provincial Department of Commerce for Commodity Inspection Director, Wang Fuling as deputy director of Gansu Provincial Department of Commerce Accounting; Li Xuecheng, director of Gansu Provincial Office in Shenyang, Hok Kum Min, deputy director of Gansu Provincial Office in Xi’an; Yang Yuan, chief engineer of Gansu Provincial Electric Power Industry Bureau, Xu Duanheng and Song Pizhe are the deputy chief engineers of Gansu Provincial Electric Power Industry Bureau, Yang Kun and Hongke as the deputy director of Gansu Provincial Electric Power Industry Bureau. Zhou Penlin is the deputy section chief of personnel and wage department of Gansu Provincial Electric Power Industry Bureau and Wang Zhihua is the plan of Gansu Provincial Electric Power Industry Bureau Section deputy section chief, Caoxian Ting Gansu Provincial Electric Power Industry Bureau of Finance
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