
来源 :青少年书法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mu5
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这一篇主要来讲析第5、6页,部件的搭配规律以及对临的基本要领。《张玄墓志》笔笔秀健,字字裕如,若明月当空,字隽秀但并不纤媚,质朴而不笨拙。临写的时候要控制好行笔过程的抑杨顿挫及笔画间的呼应连贯,虽为楷书但能静中寓动,形断而意连。“阳”“无”两字用辐射状结体,打破了楷书的“平齐”, “阳”字三撇用 This article is mainly about the first 5, 6, with parts of the law and the basic essentials. “Zhang Xuan epitaphs” pen pen Xiu Jian, the word Yu Ru, if the moon is empty, the word is handsome but not bright, simple and not clumsy. Pro write time to control the process of writing Yang Yang frustrated and echoed the strokes between the coherence, though for the regular script but can be quiet, decadent and meaning. “Yang” “no” with the word radial body, breaking the regular script “flush”, “Yang”
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(六)钩隶书中钩的写法接近于左挑,具体到《张迁碑》中的钩大致可分两类,即左向钩和右向钩。 1.左向钩:左向钩与左挑相似,只是在竖画尾部逐渐向左弯, (Vi) hook book hook a