《中国就业的改革发展》经典专栏连载之七 专栏12 从劳务市场到劳动力市场

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20世纪80年代中期以来,随着乡镇企业、个体私营经济的发展,以及国有企业用工制度的改革,劳动力市场机制已在就业领域悄悄地发挥着作用,各地也相继建立了劳动力供求匹配的专门场所,但“劳动力市场”的概念却长期被人们有意回避。 Since the mid-1980s, with the development of township and village enterprises, the development of the private economy and the reform of the employment system of state-owned enterprises, the labor market mechanism has quietly played a role in the field of employment. Various places have also set up special places for the matching of labor supply and demand However, the concept of “labor market” has long been deliberately avoided by people.
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