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城市公共安全是国家安全的重要组成部分。近年来,我国城市建设和发展的步伐不断加快,城市建设既是积聚财富的过程,也是积聚风险的过程。根据国家发改委相关课题组对98名专家的调查,“十一五”时期,我国将进入一个“危机高发期”,尤以城市安全问题最为突出。为此,改革传统的部门分割的城市管理体制,建立城市应对危机的预警应急体系,形成快速反应、有效协调的综合减灾机制,是城市良性发展的根本保证。制定“十一五”规划期间,国内很多城市都将公共安全体系的建设列入重要议事日程,筹划建立紧急预警和处置系统以应对突发性灾害和事件,并以大安全观为基础,在更高层面和更宽领域构筑城市公共安全的制度和技术平台。这是从根本上改变城市的脆弱性、增强城市体质的战略选择。 Urban public safety is an important part of national security. In recent years, the pace of urban construction and development in our country has been accelerating. Urban construction is not only a process of accumulating wealth, but also a process of accumulating risks. According to a survey of 98 experts conducted by the relevant research group of the National Development and Reform Commission, China will enter a period of “high crisis period” during the “11th Five-Year Plan” period, with the most prominent issue being urban security. Therefore, it is the fundamental guarantee for the sound development of the city to reform the traditional segmented urban management system, set up an early-warning emergency response system for urban crisis response and form a comprehensive response mechanism for rapid response and effective coordination. During the 11th Five-Year Plan period, many cities in China have listed the construction of public safety system as an important agenda and plan to establish an emergency early warning and disposal system to deal with unexpected disasters and incidents. Based on the concept of big security, Higher level and wider areas to build urban public safety system and technology platform. This is a strategic choice to fundamentally change the fragility of the city and enhance the constitution of the city.
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由东风汽车公司与武汉理工大学 合作研制的燃料电池电动汽车“楚天 一号”最近在武汉通过专家组验收。 专家认为,“楚天一号”具有完全独 立的自主知识产权,整车达到国内先
本刊讯 11月26日,国家安全生产监督管理局召开全国煤矿安全生产电话会议。会上,张宝明局通报了11月份在山西发生的5起煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故情况,指出目前已经确认,山西发生的这5起特大事故,都
1 2006年安全环保工作简要回顾2006年,集团公司广大干部职工认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于加强安全环保工作的指示精神,以科学发展观为指导,严格执行党组“完善制度、练好