Methods and Techniques for Teaching English to Children(5)

来源 :中小学外语教学(小学篇) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djs4520345
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Using role-plays/dramaTask 1What are the advantages of using role plays/drama in language teaching?Have you ever triedthem?What have you found about them?Dis-cuss with another teacher.Our commentsRole-plays/drama can provide children withthe opportunity to use English in a quite naturaland meaningful context.The outcome of suchactivities is usually more than just the practice ofthe language.These activities require the learnersto participate both physically and emotionally.Al-mond (2002) regards this kind of approach as a Using role-plays / dramaTask 1What are the advantages of using role plays / drama in language teaching? Have you ever triedthem? What have you found about them? Dis-cuss with another teacher.Our commentsRole-plays / drama can provide children with the opportunity to use English in a quite naturaland meaningful context. The outcome of suchactivities is usually more than just the practice of the language.These activities require the learnersto participate both physically and emotionally. Al-mond (2002) regards this kind of approach as a
缘:世间万物皆有缘,缘是机遇,缘是达观;空:空是智慧,包容宽恕,虚怀若谷,海纳百川;悟:悟为慧根,启发心智,世事洞明皆学问;善:心怀悲悯,心存感恩,积善行,帮助别人。 Marginali
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