
来源 :汽车运用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cr_idealism
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我部一辆BJ2020NJ型汽车在行驶3700km后发现发动机动力下降,空气滤清器及化油器内存有不少机油,排气管冒蓝烟。分析其原因:一是气门密封不严,气门导管磨损过甚,造成发动机运行过程中高压气由气门、气门导管进入气门室,将机油吹起被吸入空气滤清器;二是活塞环磨损过甚窜气,致使曲轴箱内压力过高,曲轴箱内高压气在被废气连接管再次吸入进气歧 A BJ2020NJ car of our department, after driving 3700km, found the power of the engine dropped. There was a lot of oil in the air cleaner and the carburetor memory, and the exhaust pipe was blue smoke. Analysis of the reasons: First, lax valve seal, valve guide wear too much, resulting in the engine running high pressure gas from the valve, valve guide into the valve chamber, the oil is blown into the air filter; Second, the piston ring worn very channeling Gas, resulting in high pressure inside the crankcase, crankcase high pressure gas in the exhaust pipe again inhalation intake manifold
A new triterpenoid saponin was isolated by bioactivity-guided isolation from 揋ualou-xiebai-baijiu-tang?consisting of Fructus trichosanthisi and Bulbus allii ma
据报道 ,在常压和不超过 10 0 0℃的温度下可将SiC加工成纳米结晶和微结晶性有金刚石结构的碳。在一高温炉中 ,SiC试样与含 1%~ 3.5 %Cl2 和 2 %以下的H2 的氩气流接触 ,SiC与Cl2 反应生成挥
维生素K缺乏症亦称获得性凝血酶原减低症 ,是由于维生素K的摄入和吸收不足 ,或因肝功能障碍 ,不能利用维生素K合成凝血酶原所致。发生在生后 1~ 3个月婴儿的维生素K缺乏症 ,我们称
对于天然气水化物晶体的集结和生长可以利用光子相关色谱仪 (PCS)来研究。水化物实验时采用了蒸馏水、过滤净化水和天然气的混合物 ,形成了结构Ⅱ的水化物 ( 94 %mol甲烷和 6
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The 250 kt/a methanol unit as the first one for manufacture of the 210 kt/a DME serving as the associated unit for the MTP(methanol-to-propylene) project, which