The Attitude towards the Role of the First Language in Second Language Acquisition Evolved between 1

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For many years, the learners’first language is regarded as the interference in second language acquisition (SLA) as well as the major cause for syntactic errors in the second language performance of adults. This article will focus on the attitude towards the role of Language 1 (L1) in Interlanguage, Krashen’s Five Hypotheses and Universal Grammar (UG), and try to examine whether the problems left by each approach mentioned above are resolved by UG. For many years, the learners’first language is regarded as the interference in second language acquisition (SLA) as well as the major cause for syntactic errors in the second language performance of adults. This article will focus on the attitude towards the role of Language 1 (L1) in Interlanguage, Krashen’s Five Hypotheses and Universal Grammar (UG), and try to examine whether the problems left by each approach mentioned above are resolved by UG.
本届的英译汉参赛文章节选自哈佛大学哲学教授切斯特·诺伊斯·格里诺(1874-1938)的哲学讲义“第五章爱默生”Lectures on the HarvardClassics(Harvard Classics.1909-1914
法国生态动物园(Vivarium Studio)的作品《龙之忧郁》(La Melancolie des Dragons,应邀参加2016年台北艺术节,于9月9日至11日在台北中山堂演出)讲述了这样一个故事:在一片雪
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