The Relationship among Students' Attitude in Learning to Draw,Motivation,and Anxiety

来源 :第22届全球华人计算机教育应用大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuaigekk1989
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  The study was aimed to investigate the correlations among the learning attitude of learning to draw,learning motivation,and the anxiety of learning of junior high school students in the art class.A quantitative approach is adopted in this study by collecting questionnaire from 75 junior high school students in the art class.Participants included 22 male students(7th grade: 8,8th grade:9,9th grade: 5)and 53 female students(7th grade: 17,8th grade: 20,9th grade: 16).Except for one invalid sample,other samples are valid.The research model validation in this study was conducted by AMOS statistical software.The major findings of this study were summarized as follows.First,the statistics showed that the better learning attitude students have,the anxiety of learning of those are lower.Then,the correlation between the anxiety of learning and the intrinsic motivation of learning to draw is negative.However,third,the correlation between the anxiety of learning and the extrinsic motivation is positive.Fourth,the correlation between learning attitude of learning to draw and psychological load of learning to draw is not significant.Fifth,the psychological load of learning to draw and the intrinsic motivation of stopping learning to draw is not significant.Sixth,the psychological load of learning to draw and the extrinsic motivation of stopping learning to draw is not significant.
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