
来源 :现代生物医学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clare228
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目的:研究中医理论中的“鼻肺同治”以及对于龙脷平喘汤对于小儿哮喘气道炎症的作用机制以及作用的效果进行研究。方法:实验中以小白鼠作为实验对象,选取体重相近,健康的9只小白鼠进行实验,将小白鼠进行致敏和雾化激发从而进行痰癖证哮喘模型造模,之后分为三组,一组进行龙脷平喘汤治疗,一组进行地塞米松治疗,最后一组进行空白对照不作治疗。一段时间治疗之后对它们同时进行外血周EOS浓度、FasmRNA表达以及血清IL-4表达水平分析,同时对两组的治疗状况进行评级对比,从而验证龙脷平喘汤对于小儿哮喘气道炎症的作用效果和机理。结果:通过龙脷平喘汤的治疗,小白鼠的外血周EOS浓度降低,FasmRNA表达水平提高,血清IL-4表达水平下调,同时治疗效果相对地塞米松更为显著。结论:中医中的“鼻肺同治”是具有一定科学性的,并且论证了龙脷平喘汤的作用机理主要在于消除病变部位的炎症以及调整血液循环有关。 Objective: To study the theory of “nasal lung and lung cancer” in traditional Chinese medicine theory and its mechanism of action and effect on the airway inflammation of infantile asthma. Methods: In this experiment, mice were used as experimental subjects, 9 mice with similar body weight and healthy were selected for experiment. The mice were sensitized and atomized to induce asthma model of phlegm-induced asthma. The mice were divided into three groups Group Longsheng Pingchuan soup treatment, a group of dexamethasone treatment, the last group of blank control without treatment. After treatment for a period of time, they were simultaneously analyzed for peripheral blood EOS concentration, Fas mRNA expression, and serum IL-4 expression level, and compared the treatment status of the two groups to verify that Longji Pingchuan Decoction for airway inflammation in children with asthma Effect and mechanism. Results: Longdong Pingchuan Decoction treatment, mice peripheral blood EOS concentration decreased FasmRNA expression levels, serum IL-4 expression levels decreased, while the treatment effect is more significant than dexamethasone. Conclusion: The traditional Chinese medicine “nose and lungs with Tongzhi” is a scientific, and demonstrated that the main mechanism of action of Longji Pingchuan Decoction is to eliminate the inflammation of the lesion and to adjust the blood circulation.
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先证者(Ⅳ2) 男,14岁。因右小腿痛性包块1年入院。体检:头颅五官无畸形,四肢可触及多个大小不等包块,以双下肢为多。最大约4cm×5cm,最小约0.5cm×0.5cm,均无压痛,质硬,表面凹凸不平,与皮肤无粘连。X线摄片示
摘要:催化裂化(FCC)轻汽油醚化生产混合醚技术可将催化轻汽油中的轻叔碳烯烃转化为叔烷基醚,且降低了汽油的烯烃含量和蒸汽压,提高汽油的辛烷值,同时也增加了汽油的氧含量。醚化工艺具有多方面的优点而备受青睐,本文拟从应用方面探讨轻汽油醚化工艺技术。  关键词:轻汽油醚化;工艺技术;应用  GB17930-1999《车用无铅汽油》强制性国家标准对车用汽油中烯烃、硫、苯含量等控制指标提出了更加严格的要求。