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黑龙江省军区某边防团北极四连驻守在我国最北端的漠河北极村,北纬53度线上。北极村拥有诸多“中国之最”:纬度最高、位置最北、温度最低、无霜期最短、夏季日照时间最长等。这里最低气温达-57℃,人称“高寒禁区”。当地有“月芽尖嘴,冻死小鬼”之说。全年无霜期只有80天,一年中有8个月冰封雪裹。冬天高寒奇冷,当地冻掉耳朵、手指、脚趾的事时有发生,冻死人也不稀奇。夏至前后, 这里晚上11点钟天还不黑,凌晨1点天又亮了;到了冬至,早上8点多钟天还不亮,下午3点多钟天又黑了。冬夏昼夜时间大反差,极易导致人体生物钟紊乱,让人精神郁闷烦躁。官兵们40多年来,就是在这样的恶劣生存环境中,始终把坚持弘扬艰苦奋斗精神作为建连之魂,战胜常人难以想像的困难,拼搏进取,艰苦创业, 自强不息,用火红的青春和热血书写了哨兵对祖国的忠诚。 One of the border guards of the Heilongjiang Military Region Border Armed Forces, stationed in the north pole of the Moji Arctic Village in the northernmost part of China, has 53 degrees north latitude. Arctic Village has many “most of China”: the highest latitude, the location of the north, the lowest temperature, the shortest frost-free period, the longest sunshine in summer and so on. The minimum temperature of -57 ℃ here, known as the “alpine restricted area.” Local “sharp bud mouth, frozen dead kid,” said. Frost-free period throughout the year is only 80 days, 8 months a year in the snow wrapped frozen. Cold winter cold, the local freeze ears, fingers, toes things happen from time to time, frozen people are not uncommon. Before and after the summer solstice, it was not dark at 11 o'clock in the evening, and it lit up at 1 o'clock in the morning. By the winter solstice, it was still dark at 8 o'clock in the morning and dark at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Large contrast between day and night in winter and summer, can easily lead to human circulatory disorders, people depressed mental irritability. For more than 40 years now, officers and men have always persisted in carrying forward the spirit of hard work and struggle against unimaginable difficulties by persevering in carrying forward the spirit of arduous struggle in such a harsh environment for more than 40 years. They are hard-working, pioneering, Sentinel loyalty to the motherland.
这里论及的证据材料,不完全等同于《刑事诉讼法》第42 条中规定的七种证据,更多的是指在案件侦查过程中对案件的定性、侦查的展开以及对抓捕犯罪嫌疑人等方面起重要作用的证
有人“咚咚’’敲门。“天马流星拳,暗号?”门外回答:“浑身软绵绵。”快乐原来是这么容易的东西。 Someone “pound” knock on the door. “Pegasus meteor boxing, sign?