做好工会财务“日常稽核”工作 筑牢工会经费管理第一道防线

来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouhai3032
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工会财务工作是工会工作的重要组成部分,是工会工作的基础环节,是工会组织履行职能和发挥作用的重要保证。随着当前工会改革的不断深化,将对工会财务管理工作提出更高要求,因此,加强工会会计基础规范化管理显得尤为重要。本人长期从事财务及经济技术工作,在落实中央八项规定“回头看”活动中,发现工会财务会计在基础规范化工作中还 Trade union financial work is an important part of the work of trade unions, the basic link of the work of trade unions, and an important guarantee for the trade union organizations to perform their functions and play their roles. With the continuous deepening of trade union reform, higher requirements will be put on the financial management of trade unions. Therefore, it is particularly important to strengthen the standardized management of trade union accounting bases. I have been engaged in financial and economic and technical work for a long time. In the course of implementing the eight provisions of the Central Government and “looking back” activities, I found that the financial accounting of trade unions in the basic normative work
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