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吴湖帆吴湖帆(1894~1968),江苏苏州人,生于燕,久居上海。初名翼燕,字遹骏;更名万,字东庄,书画署湖帆,别署丑移,后号倩生、倩庵,斋名梅景书屋。湖帆家学渊源,是清末著名学者、金石书画鉴藏家吴大澂之孙,自幼耳濡目染,不仅培养了深厚的诗文词赋的功底,而且饱览古代名迹,在书画创作与鉴定方面博闻强记,勤于探索传统,勉于追随时代,成为民国时期著名的山水、花卉画大家与古书画鉴定 Wu Hufan Wu Hufan (1894 ~ 1968), Suzhou, Jiangsu, was born in Yan, a long time in Shanghai. The name of the original wing Yan, the word 遹 Chun; renamed Wan, the word Dongzhuang, Painting and Calligraphy Department Lake Fan, Department of ugly move, later Qian Sheng, Qian Temple, vegetarian Mei King Bookstore. The origins of the school are not only the famous grandson of the late Qing Dynasty, the great grandson of Wu Shizhen of the stone painting and calligrapher, but also the monuments of his poetry and prose. He not only cultivated the profound foundation of poetry and prose, but also enjoyed the ancient monuments. Remember, diligently explore the tradition, reluctantly follow the times, became the famous landscape during the Republic of China, flowers and paintings of ancient painting and calligraphy identification
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对建设全区水情信息中心进行了简介。 The construction of water information center in the region were introduced.
本文从国际、国内的角度对与情报学相关之最早进行了总结。 This article summarizes the earliest information related to intelligence from the international and dome