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市人民政府决定,对《上海市房地产转让办法》作如下修改: 一、第四十条修改为: 关于预购人将预售商品房转让的问题,由市房地资源局根据房地产市场的变动情况提出意见,市人民政府视调控需要作出决定。 按照市人民政府的有关决定,预购人转让预售商品房的,其转让行为按照下列规定实施: (一)尚未付清预售商品房总价款的,预购人应当在征得房地产开发企业同意后,与受让人订立预售商品房转让的合同; (二)已经付清预售商品房总价款的,预购人可以与受让人订立预售商品房转让的合同,并书面通知房地产开发企业。 Municipal People’s Government decides to make the following modifications to the Measures for the Real Estate Transfer in Shanghai: 1. Article 40 is amended as follows: The transfer of pre-sold commercial housing by the pre-purchaser shall be proposed by the Municipal Housing Resources Bureau on the basis of changes in the real estate market Opinions, the municipal government depending on the control needs to make a decision. In accordance with the relevant decisions of the Municipal People’s Government, if the pre-purchaser transfers the pre-sold commodity housing, the transfer shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions: (1) The pre-purchaser, after having obtained the consent of the real estate development enterprise, And the assignee entered into a contract for the sale of pre-sold commercial housing; (2) Where the total price of pre-sold commercial housing has been paid, the pre-purchaser may conclude a contract for the pre-sale of commercial housing with the transferee and notify the real estate development enterprise in writing.
TC-1 satellite of Double Star Program (DSP), a near-earth equatorial satellite, was delivered to the representative of the end user, the Research Center for Spa
《行政许可法》作为我国行政程序立法的一项重要组成部分,从立法调研起就受到国内外的普遍关注。 全国人大常委会法工委从1996年着手《行政许可法》的调研、起草工作,并形成
China successfully launched 20th recoverable satellite into preset orbit for scientific and technological experiments by LM-2D from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch
2003年11月19日至21日,全 国第二次行政执法监督工作协作会议在福州召开。全国28个 省、市、区政府法制办的负责人和行政执法监督处相关人员,13 个较大市政府法制办的负责人
China is expecting to launch 10 satellites this year while prepar ing for the second mannedspace flight.Zhang Qingwei, President of China Aerospace Science and