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  众所周知,手势语与人们的日常生活息息相关,但是,你知道吗?有时,同样的手势在不同的国家或地区含义迥然不同。因此,“When in Rome, do as the Romans do.(入乡随俗。)”仍然是我们应该恪守的重要规则,否则你会感到很尴尬的。
  一、Gesture1 OK OK手势
  In most cultures, the OK sign means “good” or “satisfactory2”, but in Spain, parts of South America and Eastern Europe, it is commonly considered to be “rude”. If you go shopping in Japan,
  showing this gesture means you’d like your change in coins but not bills. In France and Belgium, making the OK sign means you think something is useless.
  二、Thumbs up竖大拇指
  The basic meaning of this gesture is“praising somebody for doing something well”. In the United States, sometimes hitchhikers3 can also use it. However, in Greece, Russia, the Sardinia in Italy and some countries and regions of West Africa, this gesture contains“Get out!”. So be careful with this gesture!
  三、Come over 过来
  If you go to Philippines, no matter what you do, do not use the repeated hooking4 finger movements “to call someone here!”, unless you want to be arrested5. Believed it or not, in Philippines,the gesture is often used to call a dog. If it is used on person, perhaps you will be put in prison.
  四、Gesture“V” “V”手势
  The gesture commonly means “victory6 and peace”. Sometimes it means “two”. But in Aus-
  tralia, New Zealand and Ireland, this means equally7 saying dirty words to others.
  五、Vertical8 palm halt9 竖手掌叫停
  In Greece, the gesture doesn’t mean calling a car or letting someone stop. However, it means “You drop dead!” This is too weird10?!
  六、Be quiet 大家安静
  In most cultures, people usually use “extending11 your hands, palms down, separating five
  fingers” gesture to let other people or other person wait for a moment. But in Greece, its meaning is “Eat shit”. Isn’t it unbelievable12?!
  七、Nod 点头
  “Nodding” sign often means “agree with” or “understand”. But among the Malaysian Indians this is clearly a “NO” sign. They often show they agree with something by shaking their heads from
  side to side.
一个奇迹  一个八岁的孩子听到父母在谈论她的弟弟。她只知道他病得很重,他们没有钱。现在只有一台很昂贵的手術才能救他,但是没有一个人愿意借钱给他们。  她听到爸爸对满含泪水的妈妈说:“现在只有奇迹才能救他了。”小女孩走进了她的卧室,把她的钱从藏钱的地方拿出来,仔细地数,然后匆匆忙忙地去了一家药店。  “你想要什么?”售货员问。“是给我弟弟买的。”女孩回答道,“他真的病得很重。我想买一个奇迹。”“什么
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形容词good是英语中出现率很高的单词,除了可以作“好的”解释外,在不同场合,还可以表示以下几种意思:  1. “愉快的”,意为happy, enjoyable。如:  It’s good to see all my teachers and friends again. 又见到所有的老师和朋友,真是高兴。  We had a good time together watching the fir
Ⅰ. 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。  1. Is there a b______ near here? I want to save (存) some money.   2. We often go shopping in the s______.  3. They often go to the r______ to have lunch. 4. You will go to a l_____
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